Salvia Abuse: Effects, Dangers, & Addiction

Today, it is still used as an entheogen as part of religious ceremonies. To administer the salvia, the Mazatec people would chew the leaves or squeeze and grind the leaves creating a juice central nervous system cns depression to drink. If you chew salvia or brew tea from it, you take it orally and the […]

how long does a salvia trip last

Today, it is still used as an entheogen as part of religious ceremonies. To administer the salvia, the Mazatec people would chew the leaves or squeeze and grind the leaves creating a juice central nervous system cns depression to drink. If you chew salvia or brew tea from it, you take it orally and the trip unfolds a bit differently. It can take up to 10 minutes before you experience the first effects.

Effects Of Salvia

The Salvia Experiential is a six level scale designed to let users rate the intensity of their Salvia trip. The six letters of the acronym S.A.L.V.I.A. correspond to ascending levels of intensity, one through six. I had done a trial run the day before, lying on a couch in a laboratory that was furnished to look like a tastefully trippy living room.

Does Salvia Show Up on a Drug Test?

The two Mazatec methods have their perks, but overall, they are definitely not the choice of most regular Salvia users. The effects of Salvia divinorum cannot be overstated, especially for new users. Even those with experience smoking cannabis or consuming other psychedelics will note the singular power of this recreational drug.


A person who ingests too much salvia often falls into a state of complete psychosis. They become unpredictable, incoherent, aggressive, and desperate. This state lasts far longer than the typical salvia use length and can stretch into hours. Often, a person must be restrained or placed under temporary psychotic care so as not to hurt themselves or others until the overdose wears off.

In an emergency, take any potentially dangerous objects away from the person tripping, slowly, informing them of what you’re doing, and gently loosening their grasp. The rule of thumb for tripsitting is to keep a calm head when the person tripping is not. People tripping out may freak out or express strange patterns of emotions that can be scary and disturbing, and the job of the sitter is to judge the situation and keep him/her safe. Dialing the police or medics is probably not necessary unless there is a true emergency; instead, in a safe situation, keep the person physically safe and let the trip fade out. In minutes, the person should be approaching baseline again (knowing this can keep you calm and somewhat relieved during intense trips; remember it!).

how long does a salvia trip last

Effects of Salvia

The plant is a strong psychedelic used by many cultures for vision walks, religious healing rituals, and spiritual enlightenment. A lot of recreational drug users don’t get this when first trying Salvia divinorum. Alternatively they would probably lay in a quiet environment, or sit outside under the night stars, letting the Salvia do its work. A way of revealing the actual experience of the trip is simply asking the person what they are feeling, or where they are, or what they’re doing, and writing that down along with the record of the trip.

Our trained medical professionals can provide you with the support you need to regain control of your life. Since Salvinorin A inhibits dopamine release, it also has little potential for addiction. Smoking is quicker and more efficient but may lead to discomfort in the chest. granada house review It can also be difficult to accurately gauge the dose when using extract-enhanced leaves. The best way to avoid negative experiences is to consider the 6Ss of psychedelic use and prepare yourself appropriately. In Canada, Salvia divinorum is illegal to sell but not to possess.

  1. It shows great potential for treating pain and addiction, as well as depression—whether in traditional Mazatec ceremonies or more clinical, Western settings.
  2. The plant produces a powerfully psychoactive response due to the chemical Salvinorin contained in its leaves.
  3. She once famously remarked that when the mushrooms are not available, she resorts to the use of salvia.
  4. These receptors are also activated when opioids are taken and are responsible for dissociative effects with both substances.

If you’ve ever seen a salvia video online, it is usually this period that they capture. Here a person will lose all sense of control over their body and their mental state. It’s not unusual to see people fall over or twitch uncontrollably. Often, they’ll struggle to speak or may speak nothing but gibberish. Overdose on salvia is completely possible and it’s not pretty.

how long does a salvia trip last

However, people do not know what the long-term effects of salvia use might be. For this reason, it is not appropriate to consider it a safe drug. Salvia’s active ingredient is salvinorin A, a kappa opioid receptor (KOR) agonist. Salvia is a plant in the mint family native to Mexico with hallucinogenic properties. While it is not federally illegal, many states have begun to restrict salvia’s availability. When smoking or vaporizing Salvia divinorum, the onset happens fast, peaking within the first 180 seconds and declining after 5-30 minutes.

And while weed acts on cannabinoid receptors, salvia acts on opioid ones. At very low doses of salvia, some may see similarities between being stoned like dizziness and some euphoria. Generally speaking, chewing 10 leaves should be enough for someone to experience a potent salvia trip. Salvia has been used for its psychoactive properties for thousands of years.

Do not take salvia outside or in a place where there are strangers around. Crushing and swallowing salvia may cause longer-lasting but milder effects compared to other methods of use. The effects may last up to an hour, according to a 2004 article in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Treatment for salvia use focuses on soothing the dangerous mental instability that can result from too much use. Typically, a person who suffers from mental problems due to salvia use will receive some type of medication to help treat their symptoms, such as antipsychotics or anti-anxiety medicines. Adolescents and even adults who use salvia take for granted the risk factor involved in use.

One misconception that many people suffer from about hallucinogens is that they aren’t addictive. Generally, substances such as mushrooms and LSD aren’t physically addictive, but recovery national institute on drug abuse nida says that others are. For example, PCP is a highly addictive drug that causes a dangerous sense of derangement in a person that can make them completely uncontrollable and violent.

Any more than that was found to be too powerful for meditation. Dosage – For an extract, you measure out roughly half a teaspoonful. Depending on how heavy you want your experience to be, you can take a stronger extract. In the case of leaves, you can use as many as nicely fit into your pipe. You can also take the strong extracts in your mouth except that it’s rather difficult to chew as it’s so fine.

Its legality makes it a major draw for students, including high school and college-age students. This makes it much easier to obtain and use what many people assume is a fairly harmless substance, one with few long-term effects. There is some concern that salvia could trigger psychotic episodes, particularly in young people and people with previous history of, or a family history of, mental health problems.

The plant is a member of the colourful family of Labiatae and originates from Mexico. Unlike ordinary sage, you cannot find Salvia growing wild in the Netherlands. Salvia is one of the entheogens to which shrooms, morning glory seeds, yopo and Syrian rue also belong. Similarly to other psychedelica from this group, salvia is used in shamanistic, spiritual and religious rituals.