Ethereum: Foundry scripts read deployed contract addresses

Ethereum: Access to Implementation Data from Environment Environment As a developer of Ethereum, you are probably familiar with the foundry platform, which offers a convenient way to deploy and manage smart contracts. One of the main advantage is to have access to date on your unfolded contracts. In this article, we will study how to […]

Ethereum: Access to Implementation Data from Environment Environment

As a developer of Ethereum, you are probably familiar with the foundry platform, which offers a convenient way to deploy and manage smart contracts. One of the main advantage is to have access to date on your unfolded contracts. In this article, we will study how to read the deployment addresses and other appropriate data from the Foundation Environment.


Before you begin, make sure you have created a new contract in the foundry using the command line interface. This will provide you with a deployment identifier that can be used as an address when interacting with your unfolded contracts.

For Example:


Found Create a moral-language saline-discharge of a contract type

This would create a new contract called “My-Contract” on the main network using the language of solidness. The Deployment ID will be generated automatically.

Access to Data for Implementation From Founding

You can use the following methods to access the deployment data from the casting environment:

  • Foundry Cli : use the “foundrycommand-line interface to access the IDS of your contracts and other appropriate data.


Foundry get-deploy-id my-abs

Found Get-Contract Deploy-ID 1234567890ABCDEF

This will return the deployment identification number for your My-Contract Agreement.

  • Web interface Foundry

    : Access to the Web Interface of the Calve Using URL like this: [ ( ( Replace with your actual foundry URL).

In the foundry user interface, go to the page for details for your contract and look for the “deploy an ID” field. This will show the deployment ID.

  • Foundry API : use API on the Access Access Data.


Import Request


Headers = {'permission': 'carrier your_api_key'}

Answer = requirements.get (api_url, headers = headers)

deploy_id = response.json (). Get ('ID')

Print (deploy_id)

Replace Your_api_key with your actual key for foundry api.

Reading Addresses Deploy

To read the contract address from a contract unfolded, you can use the following method:


Const deployid = 'your-deploy-id-Here';

Const Contractaddress =0x $ {deployid.slice (2)};

// Use Contractaddress to interact with your contract

Console.log (contractaddress);

Replace ‘Your-Deploy-Here’ with the actual id of your contract.


Access to the implementation data from the Foundation Environment can save you time and effort to manage your smart contracts. By using the methods described above, you can retrieve your contract identification number and other appropriate data to use in your work process.